英文 中文
Amount of clouds 雲量
Amount of precipitation 降水量
Amount of refrigeration 冷凍量
Amount of spawned egg 產卵量
Amount of supplied leaves 給桑量
Amphibious alternation of generation 兩棲的世代交替
Amphiprion frenatus Brevoort 白條海葵魚
Amplified fragment length polymorphism, AFLP 擴增片段長度多形性標記(AFLP)
An-Ping Fishing Harbor 安平漁港
Anabas scandens (Daldorf) 攀木魚
Anadromous fish 朔河性魚類
Anal fin 臀鰭
analysis of annual rings;tree ring analysis 年輪解析
Analysis of covariance 互變量分析
analysis of reliability 可靠性分析
Analysis of weather map 天氣圖分析
Analysis of weather situation 天氣形勢分析
Ancestral feature 遺傳特性
Anchor worm infection 錨蟲寄生症
Anchor worm infestation, Lernaeid infestation 錨蟲症
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