英文 中文
Navigator marker 航標
Navodon modestus (Gunther) 馬面單棘魨
Navodon tessellatus (Gunther) 密斑單棘魨
NCSS;National Center for Seeds and Seedlings 日本種苗管理中心
near infrared 近紅外光區
near shore 水域邊界
Neascusiasis 灰珠病
Nebrius ferrugineus 鏽鬚鮫
Nebulisation 噴霧
neck meat 牛頸肉
Necrosis 壞死
Necrosis of gill sheets 鰓瓣壞死
Necrosis of the muscles 肌肉壞死症
Necrotic enteritis 壞疸性腸炎
needs 需求
negative surge 負湧浪
Negogaleus balfouri (Day) 倍氏沙條鮫
Negogaleus mmacrostoma (Bleeker) 大口沙條鮫
Negogaleus mmicrostoma (Bleeker) 小口沙條鮫
Negogaleus tengi Chen 鄧氏沙條鮫
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