英文 中文
regulating 調節血脂
regulation works on torrent 整流工程
Regulations for agricultural lands constructing farmhouse 農業用地興建農舍辦法
Regulations for Management of Protection Forest 林產物伐採查驗規則
Regulations for Protection Forest Managements 保安林經營準則
Regulations Governing Disposition Of Forest Products Of National Forests 國有林林產物處分規則
Regulations Governing Forest Registration 森林登記規則
Regulations Governing Incentives To The Forestry Management Industry 獎勵經營林業辦法
Regulations Governing Management, Operation And Coordination of Forests Located within National Parks Or Designated Scenic Areas 國家公園或風景特定區內森林區域管理經營配合辦法
Regulations Governing Registration of Plate Rights 製版權登記辦法
Regulations Governing the Establishment and Management of Forest Recreation Areas 森林遊樂區設置管理辦法
Regulations of Copyright Dispute Mediation 著作權爭議調解辦法
Regulatory mechanism 調節機制
Regulatory method 管制標準方法
Rehabilitation of Fallow Land 休耕農地復耕
Reimagine Education Award 全球教育創新獎
Relative abundance 相對資源量
relative density of soil 土壤相對密度
relative growth rate , RGR 相對生長速率
Relative(Absolute) Orientation 相對(絕對)方位
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