英文 中文
Acute inflammation 急性炎
acute oral toxicity 口服急性毒性
Acute poisoning 急性中毒
Acute toxicity 急性毒性
Acute toxicity 急毒性
Acute toxicity test 急性毒性試驗
Acuticostal 有尖銳稜角的
Adaptation to Regional Conditions, Including Pest- or Disease-Free Areas and Areas of Low Pest or Disease Prevalence 區域性條件之適應:包括害蟲或疫病之非疫區及低流行疫區
Adaptive evolution 適應進化
Adaptive faculty 適應力
Adaptive value 適應值
additional manure, after manuring 追肥
Adductor 內收肌
Adeciduous plant 常綠植物
Adenoid tissue 腺樣組織
Adenoma folliculare 濾泡狀腺瘤
Adenoma papilliferum 乳頭狀腺瘤
Adenoma sebaceum 皮脂腺瘤
Adenophyllus 葉具腺的
Adiabatic temperature change 絕熱溫度變化
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