英文 中文
vegetated filter strip 植生過濾帶
vegetated filter strips 植生過濾帶
vegetation buffer strip 緩衝綠帶
vegetation engineering of landslide in appropriate locations 崩塌地植生工程
vegetative practices for soil and water conservation 水土保持植生方法
Ventral fin-clipping 腹鰭切除
Ventrifossa garmani (Jordan & Gilbert) 加曼氏底鱈
Ventrifossa nigrodorsalis (Gilbert & Hubbs) 黑背鰭底鱈
Veterinarian Certificate 獸醫師證書
Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer 維也納公約
Vietnam Economic & Cultural Office ; VECO 駐台北越南經濟文化辦事處
viscous force 粘滯力
Volatile fatty acid 揮發性脂肪酸
Wafer 鬆餅
Wai-An Fishing Harbor 外垵漁港
Wang-Gong Fishing Harbor 王功漁港
Warmwater fish 溫水魚類
Water bamboo farmers 茭白農民
water caltrop / buffalo nut 菱角
water conveyance facilities 輸配水設施
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