英文 中文
Acuticostal 有尖銳稜角的
Adaptation to local conditions 因地制宜
Adaptation to Regional Conditions, Including Pest- or Disease-Free Areas and Areas of Low Pest or Disease Prevalence 區域性條件之適應:包括害蟲或疫病之非疫區及低流行疫區
Adaptiveness 適應性
Adeciduous plant 常綠植物
Adenitis 腺炎
Adenoid tissue 腺樣組織
Adenolymphitis 淋巴結炎
Adenoma sebaceum 皮脂腺瘤
Adenophyllus 葉具腺的
Adenosine diphosphate 核甘二磷酸
Adenosine monophosphate 核甘一磷酸
Adenosine triphosphate 核甘三磷酸
adenosine triphosphate ; ATP 腺嘌呤核苷三磷酸
adhesive agent 黏著劑
Adhesive cell 黏著細胞
Adhesive force 黏著力
Adhesive gland 黏著腺
Adhesive organ 黏著官
Adhesive plaster 橡皮膏
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