英文 中文
Agreement between Singapore and the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu on Economic Partnership (ASTEP) 臺澎金馬個別關稅領域與新加坡經濟夥伴協定 (臺星經濟夥伴協定)
AGRI World 國際農業資材展
Agricultural Bank of Taiwa 全國農業金庫
Agricultural Finance Law 農業金融法
Agricultural Good Idea Crowdfunding Contest 農業好點子
agricultural products wholesale market 農產品批發市場
Agricultural Technical Cooperation Working Group ; APEC ATCWG 亞太經濟合作農業技術合作工作小組
Agricultural wastewater 農業污水
Agricultural Working Group ; AWG 農業工作小組
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Growth Industrialization Support Organization 農林水產業成長工業化支援團體
agrivoltaic farm that merges solar farm with the traditional working farm 營農型(太陽光電)綠能農業設施,或稱營農型農電共構共享設施
agronomic practices for soil and water conservation 水土保持農藝方法
Alcoholic wax 酒精接蠟
Alishan Forest Railway 阿里山林業鐵路
Alishan Forest Railway and Cultural Heritage Office 阿里山林業鐵路及文化資產管理處
Alkaline meadow soil 鹼性草甸土
Allanetta woodwardi (Jordan & Starks) 吳氏銀漢魚
Amanses sandwichiensis (Quoy & Gaimard) 檀島單棘魨
Amberfish Whitetipped 圓鰺
American Institute in Taiwan ; AIT 美國在臺協會
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